Beyond 'Religion versus Emancipation’


Seminar: Gender in Moving In and Out of Religion

March 3, 2020.

In februari of this year, our postdoctoral researchers Mariecke van den Berg, Nella van den Brandt, and PhD-candidate Lieke Schrijvers have moved to Manchester in order to research and write about conversion in the UK context. They are hosted by the University of Manchester’s Centre for Jewish Studies.

As part of their visit to the UK, the researchers have been invited by dr. Caroline Starkey, associate professor in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science at the University of Leeds, to participate and present their work in a seminar entitled ‘Gender in Moving In and Out of Religion’. Dr. Starkey recently published her research on women (converting to) ‘British Buddhism’ in her book “Women in British Buddhism: Commitment, Connection, Community.” She also presented her work during the seminar preceding the AAR conference last November, which was organised by our project group.

The seminar will be held in Room 1.03 of the Botany House at the University of Leeds on March 17th between 1 pm and 2:30 pm. Please follow @religionpublife for updates about the project.