Beyond 'Religion versus Emancipation’


Conference: EASR Bern

May 14, 2018

From 17-21 June 2018, the European Association for the Study of Religions will hold their 16th annual conference in Bern, Switzerland. The topic of this conference is Multiple Religious Identities, which makes it a perfect fit for our project to represent itself. Keynote speakers at the conference will include sociologists Grace Davie and Milda Ališauskienė, and historian Eugen Ciurtin.

Anne-Marie Korte will chair a panel on the Negotiation of Religious and Secular Gender Scripts in Womens Conversions, in which all contributors to this project will present their research. Nella van den Brandt will chair a panel on Secular Sensibilities and Minority Religious Subjects. We look forward to seeing you all in Bern.